my week in five

This is a new series where I will feature five things from my week that I want to share with you. I’ll stick to the same five categories each week. I’m excited to get started and would love to hear what you think! XO and happy Friday!

Lafyette Coney Island in Detroit | My Week in Five on

1.What I ate: If you follow me on Instagram and watch Stories in particular, you might have seen that Ken and I went on a little day date on Monday {yes moms, it’s ok to send you child to school when you have the day off work sometimes!} and stopped in to Lafayette Coney Island for lunch. For those who are not familiar with Detroit, there are two famous restaurants located right next door to each other that serve the same thing – hot dogs with chili, mustard, and onions. Most Detroiters have a preference and are fiercely loyal to their coney and ours is Lafayette.


2.What I wore: A few days after Christmas we went to the mall to do some returns and as luck would have it this shirt that everyone has been raving about from JCrew was on sale and there was only one in the store, in my size {small, if you’re wondering}! I’ve already gotten so many compliments on it I don’t care if every lady in the land owns it.

How to cook the perfect hard boiled egg | My Week in Five on

3.What I tried: Whenever I’m trying to eat healthier I like to prepare a bunch of healthy food options at the beginning of the week so I’m set up for success and can just grab and go whenever I need something to snack on. I love hard boiled eggs but find myself googling how to make them almost every time and have yet to find a tried and true method. This week my search results returned a new tip – steam the eggs. Fill your pot with one inch or so of water, add in a steamer basket and when the water starts to boil, gently place your eggs in the basket, cover the pot and let them steam for 15 minutes. When they’re done I like to run them under cold water and then place them in the fridge. They turned our perfect and the shells came off so easily. I can’t wait for Easter!

4.What I learned: Have you heard of the Mandela Effect? Last week while I was flu stricken and aimlessly trolling the internet I clicked on an article about how there is a group of people who believe Sinbad starred in a movie in the 90’s called Shazaam, not to be confused with the movie Shaq starred in called Kazaam. They remember scenes from the movie, what the video cover looked like, and notable quotes, but there is absolutely no record of it existing. Ken may or may not be one of these people, though I don’t remember the movie. The name of the theory comes from many people feeling certain they could remember Nelson Mandela dying while he was still in prison back in the ’80s. Contrary to what many thought, Mandela’s actual death was on Dec. 5, 2013, despite some people claiming to remember seeing clips of his funeral on TV. Some people actually believe there is a parallel universe where the things they believe did happen. Fascinating and so weird!

h&m black carryall handbag | my week in five on

5.Find of the week: As a post-Christmas present to myself I found an H&M coupon for 30% off and combined it with a free shipping code to snag this bag. At under $40 I’m loving it as a carryall for everyday use.


  1. Kathryn wrote:

    Did you know both coneys come from Dearborn Sausage now? They used to have different companies!! I really love this new segment for your blog! Also that chartreuse yellow is so sunny!

    Posted 1.7.17
    • liz braga wrote:

      I recently heard that, Kathryn! Thanks so much for reading. xo

      Posted 1.8.17

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