pregnancy style


my very favorite maternity jeans

Let's be honest - it's hard enough to find good jeans when you're not pregnant let alone finding a good pair for an ever changing, ever growing body. It's something I've always struggled with in general {insert vivid memory of me crying in the junior department dressing room at Macy's when I was 13 because I could not find one pair of jeans that fit me} and it's why in my adult years I've definitely been drawn to dresses and skirts over jeans and pants. However, there are a lot of times when jeans are just the most practical option {like during a winter pregnancy, for example} and if you find yourself pregnant in almost any season you're going to want a good pair of maternity jeans.

weekday style

Hey friends! Can you believe we've almost made it through another week {and that it's mid-March no less}? I'm feeling excited for next week as it marks three months until my due date but never wanting to get ahead of myself I'm actually VERY excited for this weekend! We had been debating on booking a babymoon for a few months but the timing just wasn't working out. Instead of going on an adults only vacation {which is much needed, don't get me wrong} we decided to plan a very last minute adventure with our little best friend. We're leaving tomorrow so make sure you're following along on Instagram to see where we're headed!

spring forward

Hello fellow parents of toddlers who are riding the struggle bus the day after daylight saving time! Just remember, we are all in this together {even though we are probably suffering separately}. After trying to get Annabelle to fall asleep tonight FOR AN HOUR I raised the white flag and called in reinforcements {Ken}. Now I'm sitting on the couch with a ridiculously large piece of chocolate cake and feeling pretty good about myself. This is parenting, friends. When there's not wine, there's cake. 

weekday style

Happy Friday, pretty ladies! I'm writing this post from my couch and I don't think I'll be moving much from here all night. Unfortunately I'm having a ton of lower back pain that doesn't seem to be letting up - I had my first chiropractic adjustment today and I'm going back on Monday so hopefully I'll feel some relief soon! In the meantime, if someone could bring me a snack that would be great. Lucky for you I did manage to get dressed for work everyday this week so here's a quick recap of my outfits.

pregnancy update | 24 weeks

Well friends, let me introduce you to my 6 month pregnant belly {and my blindingly white legs}. Despite the snow that just refuses to melt I've started to transition my wardrobe to spring in a major way. I also have been doing some major spring cleaning around our house and I'm getting eager to get started on the nursery. We still have some time but I'm not so secretly hoping the next few months fly by because I'm getting so excited to meet this little babe! 

going gingham

Nothing says spring is near more than a chic gingham print. Ok maybe actual spring weather helps too but stick with me here - gingham, friends!

weekday style

Happy Friday! The flu hit our house last weekend but luckily it didn't hold us down for long. With the exception of Monday we've been up {and dressed} all week! Here's a little peek into what I wore to work this week.

pregnancy update | 23 weeks

Oh hey, friends! It's been a busy week over here so I'm just getting to sharing my 23 week pregnancy update now. We're hoping to get caught up on blog stuff this weekend so I promise I'll have some fun stuff around these parts next week. In the meantime, here's a little update on my pregnancy.

why I’m buying all the coats

Perhaps it's become somewhat obvious as of late but if there's one thing I'm investing in this winter it's coats. While I can blame many things on pregnancy brain my new found coat obsession is not one of them. There's actually a strategy behind my purchases and I'm going to share it with you today. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3010170"]