summer style


Look on the Bright Side

You know what pairs well with neon? More neon. If you’re ever feeling down in the dumps just throw on a highlighter yellow sweater and…

Beach Chic

Signs of fall have started. From the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, to the Franklin Cider Mill announcing that they’re opening September 5th, she’s a comin’. But…

Three Ways to Wear a Shorts Suit

Checking in from day I seriously lost count of this new normal situation we’re in. Hi! While other people are stocking up on athleisure and…

My favorite denim shorts

Being a mom isn't easy. You get woken up randomly at all hours of the night, you get sneezed on and spit up on, you are constantly worried about your kid(s), and on top of it all it's nearly impossible to find a pair of shorts that are both appropriate and cute.

i’ve been thinking about trying a capsule wardrobe

Hi friends, happy Thursday. The title of today's post says it all, I've been thinking about trying a capsule wardrobe. The key words here are thinking and trying. I'm scared because I have the accountability of the internet to keep me in check and that's a lot of pressure. What if I hate it? What if I fail? Yes, we're still just talking about clothes here but still. I really, really like clothes!  [show_shopthepost_widget id="2792907"]

when in kennebunkport

Hey friends, hey! We're back from Kennebunkport and absolutely loved it! Maine is one of the most charming places ever. We fell in love with the scenery, the food, and the people and can't wait to go back someday. I wanted to share a few photos from our weekend with you today. [show_shopthepost_widget id="2791183"]

date night details

By the time you’re reading this we should be well on our way to the East Coast! One of my best friends is getting married…

wrap it up

I wore this dress on a date night with friends a few weeks ago and it felt so fun and flirty. It's perfect for the weather now but would also look great with a denim jacket and booties in a few months.  [show_shopthepost_widget id="2782184"]

in defense of summer

There is a daily internal struggle going on in my head where part of me wants it to be summer forever and part of me…