Fall Feels

Guess who’s finally feeling ready for fall?! After what felt like the longest summer ever {and to be honest it still kind of feels like summer around here most days, minus the pool, plus school}, the Braga’s are feeling ready for f-a-l-l ya’ll.

I will admit I’ve been resisting fall pretty hard over here. Not because I don’t love it – I do – but lately I feel like social media is kind of ruining things for me. Do you ever feel that way? It all started around the time of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Something that I normally look forward to seemed to take up every square inch of my social media feeds and it became a real turnoff. I tried to unplug from Instagram for a lot of the summer and as fall crept closer {or weeks before that because people are seriously crazy} I felt things going off the rails yet again. I did appreciate Starbucks making an iced version of their famous Pumpkin Spice latte but other than that – we get it. You love fall, and boots, and pumpkins, and mums that are definitely going to be dead before October. Can we just talk about something else, please?

And now this has actually turned in to something much different than I intended. I was coming here to share a few photos from our weekend trip to Westview Orchards and write down some more fun things we’re looking forward to this fall. But I wanted to share what’s been on my mind. Particularly because we’d like to refocus some of our attention on this little blog again but I want it to be valuable to you. Because if all I’m talking about are plaid shirts and how to decorate your porch with cornstalks I don’t really feel like that will be good for either of us. Agreed?

If you find yourself looking for something specific from the internet lately please share in the comments below. Otherwise please enjoy my adorable kids and my first toe dip into the turtleneck waters in years I’ll be back soon with something good. I promise.