All Dressed Up and No Where to Go

I’ve been thinking about our new normal a lot lately, and how much I don’t want to embrace the fact that it might actually be becoming normal. When I think about summer ending and heading back to school my mind automatically goes to what I used to know. Last year when I would drop Annabelle off at school I would chit chat with the other parents while the kids played on the playground before the teachers opened the doors to greet them. I was usually overdressed compared to most of the other parents and I would sometimes joke with Ken that if I ever became a stay at home {or work from home} mom I’d have to get an entirely new wardrobe because of my serious lack of casual clothes. Well, well, well. Look at me now.

So now that I’ve had to come to terms with the reality of our new normal {nope, still don’t like it} and the fact that not only am I a work from home mom but I’m also probably never even going to get out of the car at school drop off, do you know what I’m going to change? Absolutely nothing. Turns out, this is actually just who I am. When confronted with a quarantine that literally forced us to stay home for days, weeks, MONTHS, I find myself more often than not all dressed up with no where to go.

I realize it’s not a big thing, or an important thing, but getting dressed every day brings me joy. Lately for me it’s been all about making it to the next moment of joy, little things to look forward to in an otherwise very overwhelming time. My morning coffee, avocado toast for breakfast {which never would have happened at the office}, and getting dressed just to name a few. So if you see me in the car line at school and I look like I’m going somewhere, I’m not. I just needed that moment to make me feel a little more like me.